How Integration Improves Made-to-Stock Manufacturing

For Made-to-Stock (MTS) manufacturers, producing your products is based on expected customer demand. This puts many businesses in a delicate position because they must unite everything under one roof. That’s why systems integration can be so beneficial to MTS manufacturers—they can achieve full transparency throughout their enterprise.  

Doing More with Less: Workplace Shortages and ERP

In many cases, reducing staff and hiring part-time or contract personnel is now standard for many industries. However, this reduces productivity as manufacturers and distributors deal with frequent turnover and staff changes. The result has placed workers on the most unstable ground in decades. With these developments, many businesses are going beyond the question of labor, into that of technology.

Top Four Areas Where eCommerce Can Improve Your ERP Solution

With the growing transition towards online sales, many businesses are trying to adapt. As eCommerce sales are predicted to reach over $600 billion by 2022, this becomes critical. For some owners, the question becomes how they can integrate this into their existing ERP solutions? How would this benefit your sales potential and overall growth becomes a crucial question.

Exceed Customer Demands with eCommerce Integration

We’ve discussed the advantages of implementing Magento eCommerce to create an optimal online shopping experience, but this is the first step to achieving excellent customer service in the modern marketplace. Check out our overview of how integrating eCommerce with ERP or CRM software increases your company’s efficiency by automating processes and decreasing human errors.