Exceed Customer Demands with eCommerce Integration

ExveedCustomerDemandswitheCommerceIntegrationIntegrate eCommerce with ERP and CRM  

Growing customer demands leave no room for error; the internet should serve as a tool for growing your business, not as a means for customers to bash your company on social media after a botched order.  

That’s why we recommend integrating your eCommerce solution with your enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM). We’ve discussed the advantages of implementing Magento eCommerce to create an optimal online shopping experience, but this is the first step to achieving excellent customer service in the modern marketplace. Check out our overview of how integrating eCommerce with ERP or CRM software increases your company’s efficiency by automating processes and decreasing human errors.  

Improve Efficiency  

Your company will achieve improved efficiency from end-to-end of your enterprise. By integrating your software systems, all your data will be stored in one place, allowing your company to work as one team, not as departmental silos. 

One benefit of storing data in a centralized location is that employees won’t need to exhaust themselves or make mistakes searching different places for data about a single customer. Instead, customer data from Magento will automatically be available in your CRM suite. This gives your marketing team valuable information about buying patterns and demographics, which enables them to create targeted campaigns hassle-free. With campaigns and discounts allocated to specific customers, companies can maintain strong relationships with their customers. 

Automate Processes  

The efficiency of integrated software goes even further than providing employees with access to data. When you integrate eCommerce with ERP or CRM, some processes don’t need employee intervention; your software will take care of it. For example, Magento will have access to inventory data from your ERP suite, so your website can automatically advertise that a product is out of stock. Real-time product updates give customers accurate information that ensures an easy shopping experience. With automated processes, employees can cut out enormous amounts of time on small tasks and double their productivity. 

Decrease Human Error  

By integrating your eCommerce system with Infor or Epicor® ERP, Salesforce CRM, or Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, you ensure that your company won’t become victim to human error. Integrated software eliminates these concerns by making credit information, ship-to locations, sales orders, and more automatically available, not just on Magento, but throughout your system. 

Having all your information in one place means no more time wasted manually transferring data between systems, duplicating data entries, correcting costly mistakes, or dealing with backlash from unhappy customers. 

Wrap Up  

The best way to ensure a successful software implementation is to contact a trusted consulting firm, and there is nobody more trustworthy than Datix. As a Magento implementer, we can equip you with the eCommerce solutions your company needs to build the perfect web store. But that’s not all: with Unity, our worldclass integration platform, Datix can connect Magento eCommerce with ERP or CRM to create one streamlined system.  

Datix has 20 years of experience in delivering solutions that meet each company’s unique needs. Our expert consultants won’t abandon you after implementation; we offer end-to-end service because we know it’s just as important to have a successful implementation as it is to carefully upgrade and maintain your system to keep up with the fast-paced marketplace. You will always be on top of your customers’ needs with Datix and Unity.  

For premier solutions in eCommerce and enterprise software integrations, look no further than Datix. Contact us today to learn more about how Datix can empower your company to provide optimal service to your customers! 



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