Unity: Integration by Datix

Import Salesforce Data Into Epicor

Import Salesforce Data Into Epicor Importing Salesforce data in to Epicor can prove to be extremely valuable for a number of reasons. Some of the most common questions our ERP and CRM consultants get relate to how businesses can effectively integrate the data in one system with the other. We deal primarily in Epicor ERP projects, so we’ve had …

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Why Connect Epicor With CRM?

Why Connect Epicor With CRM? If you want data to help your business deliver more efficient processes and to improve how your business uses software you should strongly consider integrating your ERP with your CRM. Your business could save hundreds of hours a week, make processes more efficient, and create a single source of the truth. We …

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Maximizing Profitability with Integrated CRM and ERP

Bryan Sapot, founder and managing partner of Datix, gave a presentation to the CRM User’s group about the benefits of integrated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. Here are the highlights from the presentation. Sapot began by asking the very crucial question: Why use CRM?

Transforming Business by Integrating Front and Back Office Systems

Becoming a customer-centric company, by integrating your front and back office systems, will not happen overnight. Chambers Gasket & Manufacturing Co. is a prime example. They have gone through numerous changes to improve on their reputation for “quality, accuracy, and service.” Now, they meet the demands of their global customer base through a commitment to …

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Why Should I Integrate ERP and CRM?

Systems integration, in our world, is simply the merging of data between Epicor ERP and your CRM. If this seems fairly straightforward, that is because it is. Systems integration is meant to simplify your data and make your business operate with greater efficiency. What’s more, integrating your ERP and CRM is simple and straightforward. Here’s 5 reasons why ERP and CRM integration makes sense, and how you can get started.

Integrate Your ERP and Ecommerce Functions

Integrate Your ERP and Ecommerce Functions You manufacture an amazing product. And now you have an ecommerce platform to showcase and sell your product. You also have an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system that keeps track of orders, inventory levels and operational functions. What happens when you want the data from ecommerce purchases to sync …

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10 Best Practices for Integrating Customer Data

Scribe Software held an educational webinar about the 10 best practices for integrating customer data. Pierre Hulsebus, Scribe’s Senior Sales Engineer, presented a clear and practical approach to implementation.  His tips come from years of integration and IT experience. We agree and wanted to share our takeaways from the session, too.

CRM and ERP Integration Accelerate Go-Live Time

  CRM and ERP Integration Accelerate Go Live Time How will CRM and ERP Integration improve my go live time? When we help our clients implement ERP systems, particularly Epicor ERP, we found they often had existing CRM systems. We used a cloud-based method to create a CRM and ERP connector, and a large majority of …

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Why Should I Integrate Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Salesforce with my ERP?

Integrate Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce CRM with my ERP? Should your business integrate Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Salesforce  with your ERP will allow you to quickly and affordably sync customer and business data between both systems. “CRM by itself is just a tool. Marrying it with ERP data makes it valuable.” David Peterson, Enterprise Collaboration Manager …

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3 Reasons to Integrate CRM and ERP Software

3 Reasons to Integrate CRM and ERP Software Integrating CRM (Customer Relations Software) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Software can seem like a daunting task. Perhaps the two systems should remain separate if extensive software development is needed. Fortunately, this concern is one that we have addresses numerous times during our ERP software implementations. On …

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Video: Epicor Integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM using Scribe

Watch Bryan Sapot, CEO of Datix Inc. explain the features of Datix’s Scribe Connector: Datix Connect.  Scribe is a leading CRM integration software platform. Datix offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap in information updates between Epicor and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  With this software, you can seamlessly sync and integrate your Microsoft Dynamics CRM …

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