Integrate ERP and eCommerce for Better Sales

Integrate ERP eCommerce Sales

Magento and Epicor Integration

Though eCommerce has often been thought of as a tool for B2C sellers, research has shown that it’s just as important for B2B markets. In fact, Forrester predicts that the B2B online market will reach double the size of their B2C counterpart, making almost $7 trillion by 2020. With digital technology dominating commerce, it’s essential for manufacturers and distributors to take advantage of eCommerce software to capitalize on this powerful sales channel.  

However, businesses are making a mistake if they implement an eCommerce instance separate from their enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Companies running the systems separately find that customers lack real-time insight into order and product information, and users struggle to capture data from online purchases. These issues as well as other inefficiencies result in an online store that fails to operate at its full potential and drive the desired amount of extra revenue. Software integrations power transparency and productivity across the organization, thereby boosting revenue. Below, we delve into the advantages of ERP-eCommerce integrations.

Greater Efficiency

When businesses take an in-depth look into their business processes or investigate their lost sales opportunities, they often discover poor collaboration as one of the sources of these slips. This is especially the case when organizations run their operations on disjointed systems. ERP and eCommerce data stays siloed in each instance rather than pooled together in a single source of truth. The result: lack of transparency, interruptions in workflows and limited insight into critical data. Furthermore, employees wind up wasting hours on the error-prone task of manually entering data from one system into the other.

How does an ERP-eCommerce integration eradicate these problems? ERP and eCommerce data automatically updates throughout the system, providing total access to front and back-end information such as customer data, inventory availability, order history and more. That means no more manual data duplication. With information housed in one place, users can easily collaborate on data-driven strategies for improving sales cycles.

Several processes also become streamlined to save you and your customers time. For example, offline B2B payment methods are notoriously long and complex. With an ERP and eCommerce integration, customers can simply view invoices and make payments online, speeding up the process and improving accuracy. Additionally, the quote-to-order cycle transforms from weeks of back-and-forth between the buyer and seller to a quick, online process where customers can track and approve quotes. A seamless integration between eCommerce and ERP software saves valuable time, making your workforce more productive and improving customer experiences.

Customer Insight

Access to back and front-office data empowers sales representatives to refine their strategies. Sales reps can take advantage of a 360-degree view of customers to close deals faster, effectively nurture leads and capitalize on cross-selling and upselling opportunities. One specific step of the sales process that ERP and eCommerce integrations improves is the task of deciding whether to offer a deal to a customer. Complex pricing structures and lack of insight into customer history make this a tough call for sales teams. Integrated ERP and eCommerce solutions alleviate the pressure by making it easy to access the information necessary to determine which deal to offer a customer.

This integration not only provides users with customer insight but also gives customers insight into critical information. Buyers receive real-time inventory availability, shipping information and pricing online, safeguarding businesses from misleading clients. Integrations enhance overall accuracy in the online sales process.

Wrap Up

An eCommerce and ERP integration is integral to generating revenue and keeping up with mounting consumer demands. As the number one eCommerce system, Magento provides a flexible open-source interface, a fast platform, easy-to-use tools, comprehensive data analytics and other essential features to build an online store that brings in new customers. Connected with Epicor ERP’s sophisticated manufacturing and distribution modules, you have a holistic solution that significantly boosts sales.

Unity, Datix’s pre-built integration solution, is the optimal platform for connecting Epicor with an array of software systems. Our expert consultants take the reins throughout the project to ensure an on-time, on-budget integration and take care of errors and other software needs after go-live. An Epicor Platinum Partner and Magento expert, Datix knows both platforms front to back. Reach out to us today to leverage our premier solutions and services to enhance your business’s revenue!


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