Why Host ERP Manufacturing Software in the Cloud?

Manufacturing Cloud ERP

4 Benefits of Cloud-Hosted ERP

Manufacturers strive to gain a competitive edge by improving accuracy and streamlining processes to keep both customers and stakeholders happy. By running your manufacturing operations in cloud ERP, you can achieve business goals faster than ever.

As businesses discover the increasing benefits of cloud computing, it’s no longer a matter of if  your company will join the cloud, but when. Moving your own ERP software to the cloud will keep your business competitive by outsourcing the hosting and maintenance to cloud software vendors, allowing you to focus on data, results and the best way to grow those numbers. Here are four of the most important benefits of hosting ERP in the cloud!

1. Swift Implementation

Implementing on-premises manufacturing software can take a lot of time. Businesses must wait for their hardware to arrive and then install the necessary equipment and server space to get their ERP off the ground. These extra steps can slow down your software project. 

However, when you choose to locate your ERP in the cloud, your vendor takes care of the resources needed to host and maintain your manufacturing system. When you eliminate the need for dedicated hardware, you can get your ERP software up and running much quicker. Furthermore, as the cloud becomes more prevalent in manufacturing, both new hires and existing employees will be more familiar with best practices, reducing the learning curve and training times. As with any manufacturing company, time is of the essence in your business, and moving to the cloud will help you save as much of it as possible.

2. Increased Accessibility

Along with the speedy turnaround times that manufacturing in the cloud will provide your company, a cloud-based approach will also make it easier for employees to access your manufacturing tools and data from any device. All you need is a reliable internet connection, and no cloud platform is more reliable than Microsoft Azure. Azure has the most data centers, servers and connectors of any cloud provider. This makes Azure the leader in speed and dependability.

With such a strong cloud solution, you can track manufacturing processes from end to end, accessing all the data you need both on and offsite. Any information you might need for your evaluations or for other stakeholders is available at the drop of a hat when your software is in the cloud, whether it’s historical data or real-time metrics. A hiccup on your production floor doesn’t have to be a disaster anymore—your cloud ERP can monitor issues and send alerts, so you can respond rapidly to ward off major delays or errors. In the competitive world of  manufacturing, this kind of support and efficiency gives you a major edge. 

3. Decreased Costs

Aside from shorter installation and implementation times, choosing an off-site manufacturing system will save you the upfront costs that inevitably come with the hardware and dedicated employees needed to run an ERP system. Cloud-based software vendors require you to pay a perpetual subscription fee that covers not only the infrastructure you need, but also the services and support that will keep the software running. Your in-house maintenance costs will be negligible. 

This kind of fee model also allows for scalability. Does your growing business need more server space? Instead of the cost (both in time and money) that it would take to plan, order and install more servers, cloud manufacturing allows you to expand almost instantly by paying for more seats on your software. Locating your software in the cloud not only saves your business money upfront, but also proves more cost-effective in the long run.

Moreover, if your ERP software goes down, your provider will take on the role of getting you back up and running, so your team can keep the business on track without diverting your valuable resources. Microsoft Azure is known for its 24/7 global support and disaster recovery. This support helps to cut down on costs and extend the value of your software investment.

4. Continuous Improvement

Forgetting to upgrade your ERP software can have disastrous consequences for your manufacturing business. Getting back up to speed after lagging a few releases behind a program’s current version can require the same time and effort that it took to implement an entirely new ERP system.

However, when you host your ERP software online, you never have to worry about software upgrades. Whenever there is a new release or patch available for your manufacturing software, your vendor will move you to the latest version. Continuous updates enable manufacturers to work efficiently and with a constant competitive edge. A seamless upgrade of your cloud ERP will also make it easier to gain innovative enhancements, such as IoT and AI functionality, that deliver greater insights. 

But this ease shouldn’t come at the cost of your control. Software as a service (SaaS) systems will often automatically upgrade your ERP, even when it’s not convenient for your company. With Microsoft Azure, you decide when you want to upgrade. Your provider will alert you of new updates and give you discretion on when to enact them, so that you can make the smoothest transition possible.

Wrap Up

The cloud is the new frontier for ERP software, and the possibilities are endless. Manufacturing in the cloud can save you time and money as soon as you install. Hosting your ERP software online will simplify your manufacturing infrastructure by leaving the rote work of maintenance, security and support to your provider. All of this means you can focus on what your business does best: manufacturing. If on-premises, legacy ERP software is beginning to slow your company down, consider switching to the cloud to enjoy the full benefits that cloud-based manufacturing can offer.

For more information on deploying ERP in the cloud, get in touch with the consultants at Datix today. We are one of a handful of Epicor Gold Partners, making us leaders in Epicor consulting. With our Microsoft Azure hosting services, you can host your ERP solution in a strong and secure cloud platform. Discover how cloud-based ERP opens new areas of growth right from go live!


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