What’s in a name? How Datix Received its Name

did-you-know-DatixWe are a 16 year old software company with a name that might not immediately conjure up exactly what we do. That is unless you learn a little bit more about our back story. Starting with the name: Datix is a combination of Data and UNIX (a 
multi-user computer 
operating system that exists in many variants).
This is because, when
Bryan Sapot, President of Datix, Inc., started the  company, they built data driven systems on
UNIX platforms. His skills as developer, were matched by his vision for a company that would be a one-stop software consulting firm.

Continued Expansion and Enterprise Software Expertise

Moving forward, the company continued to expand and gain a reputation for being able to implement complex software solutions. Throughout the years, we have partnered with national and global enterprise software companies including
Microsoft ( Customer Relationship Management) and
Epicor Software (Enterprise Resource Planning Software). Today, we work primarily with manufacturers and distributors to implement or upgrade the complex and efficiency boosting ERP software systems.  Other clients include companies who need to develop e-commerce platforms, implement CRM systems or need assistance with software selection.

Get the Best by Working with Top Notch ERP Consultants

We continued to hire
ERP consultants with backgrounds in software development, project management,  finance and manufacturing. Our consultants are constantly motivated by the results we see. See how Datix
implemented a solution that saved a shipping manager 6-10 hours per week! In this case, our consultants expertly recommended a solution and then implemented and integrated the new software. These types of projects make the job extremely rewarding.

Interested in advancing your career with Datix? We are always looking for skilled ERP Consultants.

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