The Time To Upgrade Epicor ERP Is Now


We’ve been publishing a series on our blog recently centered around reasons businesses should consider upgrading to Epicor, focused around the various benefits and features a company can enjoy after upgrading. However, aside from the powerful functionality of the newest configurator, or the advanced engineering and scheduling capabilities, there’s now a much more direct—and simpler—reason to keep your Epicor instance current—it’s about to get more expensive. Epicor has recently announced a round of price increases expected to go into place on September 15th.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the different increases in Epicor ERP pricing, and what versions of the product they will be affecting.

  • Epicor ERP Version 9: The software licensing fee and SaaS list price for version 9 will be increasing 10%. This price increase only applies to Epicor 9; not users of the latest version 10.1. Since it’s debut in 2008, Epicor ERP has not undergone a price increase since 2008, and to reflect the increased quality of 10.1, the price increase is intended to steer current users towards migration to the latest version of the ERP.
  • Epicor Enterprise: After over ten years without a price hitch, Enterprise pricing will increase by 25%.
  • Epicor Vantage and Vista: Finally, legacy versions Vantage and Vista will be hit with a 50% price increase. Because these versions have been around for so long—this change is intended to drive clients towards newer Epicor ERP. We’ve gone into detail here on the blog on the disadvantages of keeping your business running on legacy software for the sake of convenience, and this price increase will only add to that list.

The above pricing increases will not include current maintenance renewals—only licensing and list prices.

We’ve already acknowledged that SaaS ERP is a great way for small or growing businesses to save cost and time investments in what can often be a significant piece of software. By choosing to upgrade your ERP now, you’ll be saving even more of your monetary investment, furthering the competitive advantage that enterprise software provides. What’s more, it’s the end of year/final quarter is an advisable time for a business to make an upgrade. You’ll have the new software project set out and rolling before all of the distractions of the holiday period and the bustle of a new business year.   

Call one of our consultants at Datix today if you want to take advantage of current Epicor ERP prices before they go up. We can help your organization at whatever stage of the ERP implementation process—whether you’re still deciding if Epicor is the right ERP for you, or you’ve already made that call and started putting together a project team. Whether it’s a brand new implementation or an upgrade from legacy software, our team has over 18 years of experience helping a wide range of businesses with their Epicor projects—let us help you.

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