Infor ERP Releases Innovative Features

An Infor ERP solution isn’t just a temporary fix to today’s issues, it’s an investment for tomorrow. Because of Infor’s forward-thinking approach to software, choosing an Infor ERP gives you access to the latest features sweeping the industry. Innovation is never static, and with Infor, your software isn’t either.

Infor OS

Infor OS (Operating Service) provides horizontal technology services across all of Infor’s CloudSuites and extends into third-party solutions as well. With it, you can make data-driven decisions. Dynamic navigation lets users access all parts of Infor CloudSuite, including apps, critical data, process insights, and digital tools.


With Infor, complex business processes become simple to execute through workflows. With a workflow, your automated rules trigger processes that help reduce manual tasks, including rule validation, automated communication, automated data entry, and launching other processes. This keeps your software aligned with the way your business runs.  

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

The best way to make your operators more efficient is by removing tedious tasks from their workload. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can take care of formerly time-consuming manual activities like expense report reviews and vendor compliance checks with a fully automated system. RPA requires little to no human involvement from start to finish. This drastically decreases the room for error within processes and expedites them exponentially.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help you anticipate what’s coming. By analyzing your data, they can spot trends, detect potential bottlenecks or shortfalls, and even anticipate likely outcomes. You can also use AI to define customer preferences, support product innovation, and enable strategic, data-based decisions.

Wrap Up

When you choose Infor, you always have access to the latest industry innovations. To take advantage of these features and stay ahead of the competition, look to Datix. As an Infor partner that has supported thousands of software solutions, we can support you no matter how quickly technology advances.

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