Import Salesforce Data Into Epicor

salesforce data

Import Salesforce Data Into Epicor

Importing Salesforce data in to Epicor can prove to be extremely valuable for a number of reasons. Some of the most common questions our ERP and CRM consultants get relate to how businesses can effectively integrate the data in one system with the other. We deal primarily in Epicor ERP projects, so we’ve had a lot of great opportunities to work with businesses to effectively integrate Salesforce data with Epicor ERP systems.

Why To Integrate CRM and ERP Data

  1. Receive and manipulate data in real-time using Salesforce1 mobile app
  2. Support quote to order between Salesforce data and ERP data
  3. Link e-commerce features in your ERP with customer support in Salesforce
  4. Provide billing information to Salesforce without dual-entires
  5. Synchronize product catalogs between both software
  6. Share key data with access portals, like the one Epicor has so your clients can track their orders and even pay if they need to

Common Use Case For Salesforce Data Integration Into Epicor

When you connect Epicor with CRM one of the key benefits for many organizations is real-time mobile access to data. Imagine, your walking the floor of a manufacturing client. You pull out your phone and can immediately start checking inventory stock, product counts, orders, and other back office data that would immediately provide you the ability to capitalize on potential opportunities, and identify upcoming risks. How many more sales could you make? What would that client say about you and your business?

Real-time mobile-access is achievable when you connect Epior with CRM. Furthermore, integration allows the elimination of double-entries, and provides an all-in-one platform for you to transfer and manage data for orders, billing, customer support, product catalogs, and more.

How would your business change today if you could integrate ERP and CRM? The answer is almost always, “significantly”. However, for most businesses this is often talked about, but rarely explored.

The Easiest and Most Affordable Way to do it

Datix Connect for Salesforce is the best option we’ve been able to identify for our customers. We’ve developed it with business with specific needs for integration, and feel strongly that it is far and away the easiest and most cost-effective way to connect Salesforce data with the data inside of Epicor. The deployment usually takes less than 3 days.

Visit our product page for access to a demo of the integration.


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