Strengthen Compliance with Access Controls

For medical device manufacturers, the FDA expects companies to keep sensitive data safe and protected from unnecessary eyes, as described in HIPAA. This includes external threats, but it also includes employees who don’t need to see things like PHI (Protected Health Information). To comply with HIPAA, there are ERP features you can use to protect sensitive information. One of these is access controls. In this blog, we will discuss how access controls can defend sensitive information from unnecessary eyes.

What are Access Controls?

In an ERP, access controls are permissions set up to regulate who can view or edit specific information. Every employee at an organization should have their own login information and their account will have specific access controls connected to it that vary depending on their role.

How Can You Use Them?

The beauty of access controls is that you can have your ERP automatically filter who can see certain information. If you collect PHI or other sensitive customer data, for instance, you can set up your software so that only employees who absolutely need to see that data have the ability to view it. You also control who has the ability to edit certain data fields.

This setup protects the privacy of your customers, in addition to protecting your system from mistakes caused by careless errors. When it comes to maintaining information accuracy, the fewer the people who can edit information, the better.

Things to Remember

When setting up access controls in your ERP, there are a few pieces to remember. One is to distribute permissions in ways that make sense. Rather than giving out access as needs come up, it is better to take a proactive approach and set up access based on user role and level within the organization.

Of course, employees often change their responsibilities, so it’s helpful to review user access whenever there is a role change. It is also a good idea to periodically review access controls company-wide to ensure that mistakes don’t fall through the cracks.

Access controls may sound like a lot of work, but they don’t have to be. You can automate parts of your access controls so that specific employees are automatically notified of critical updates. You can also reach out to an ERP expert to support you with your system. As a one-stop shop, our team at Datix knows how to handle your ERP needs, whether its with access controls, integrations, disaster recovery, or other support. Learn more about working with Datix.

Wrap Up

While they’re a simple tool, access controls are essential for maintaining HIPAA and protecting your ERP data in general. If you need support with your ERP, talk to our experts. We take a business-first approach with each of our clients, meaning we take the time to understand what you need so we can offer you the best possible solution.

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Datix is the ERP consultant of choice for medical manufacturers. Our consultants understand the medical device, equipment and supply industries and dedicate themselves to analyzing each of our clients so that we can develop the best software solutions to maximize their investments to the fullest.

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