Epicor Social Enterprise Fosters Collaboration

User profile ESE

Epicor Social Enterprise (ESE) is another great way software is used for building collaboration. While conference calls and emails have been around for many years, manufacturers are continuously looking for effective, improved communication tools. Social collaboration aids response times. It allows your employees to work together quickly to harness your human capital.

Social Enterprise Collaboration

Create an environment where ideas can exist and be shared. Create formalized groups to connect with employees across the office, the nation or globe.

Key Features

  • Epicor Social Enterprise (ESE) is a social enterprise collaboration network (ECN).
  • This information network is designed to support information exchange across your business.
  • ESE allows cross-company/cross-departmental collaboration bringing social media and contextual information together in a single tool.

Best Feature 

The best feature about ESE is that the posts are in context of the transactions. For example, you can see all posts about a specific sales order.

Social Enterprise Enables: 

  • Issue resolution
  • Virtual water cooler
  • Self-service / On-demand subscriptions
  • Knowledge retention
  • Innovation: Incubation, expansion & discussion
  • Social supply chain & project management
  • Engineering, Bid and proposals collaboration
  • Job site collaboration

Filter Out the Noise

Activity streams are used to monitor changes, conversations, and discussion topics and can be accessed in a browser or in context of the relevant ERP form.  You are able to filter by streams and have access to the information or topic you need.

epicor social embedded in ERP Social insights are embedded within Epicor ERP

Get the Most of Your ERP

The platform is simple and intuitive, leveraging social media concepts (#hashtags, mentions, reposting/sharing) to allow users to work with their Epicor ERP more easily.

Set Up Alerts

Get alerted for:

  • Changes in customers (customer updates, new customer, customer group changed, customer on credit hold, customer taken off credit hold)
  • Accounts receivable invoice tracking (whenever an invoice is created)
  • Accounts payable invoice tracking (whenever a debit memo has been created)
  • Orders (order tracking, order header tracking profile, large orders, order held)
  • Shipments (Shipments closed, shipment freighted, shipment shipped, shipment ready to invoice)
  • Jobs (new job, job completed, job engineered, job comments)
  • Projects (project milestones)
  • Quotes and tasks (quote header tracking: quote has been quoted or expired, request for quote tracking, task has been assigned or completed)

Best of all Epicor Social Enterprise is embedded within Epicor ERP and is available for mobile use!

More Resources

  • Take a look at our Epicor Solution Center
  • Learn more about Epicor’s social platform here
  • Read more about the impact of collaboration in financial management
  • How would Epicor Social Enterprise work for your business?

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