Do You Want to Drive Change at Your Organization?


To stay relevant, manufacturers need to keep up with the times and advancing technology. Business processes must maximize efficiency if you want to get ahead of your competitors. An ERP upgrade or replacement is the ideal opportunity to drive change at your organization and take your business processes to the next level.

The Dangers of the Status Quo

As a manufacturer, it is tempting to become comfortable with subpar systems because it seems too risky or impossible to make systematic changes. This is because maintaining the same system enables and promotes tribal knowledge within your organization, causing those “in the know” to refuse any methodology that deviates from their outdated processes. While many are resistant to change, adapting to modern business practices is the only way for organizations to keep up with the high demands that customers want from manufacturers. Staying the course with old-fashioned systems leads to inefficiencies and complacency but upgrading or replacing your ERP is a natural opportunity to reengineer processes. A better ERP system can offer advanced reporting, tracking and management features that may be completely new to your organization. An ERP consultant like Datix can utilize extensive software knowledge to offer tailored solutions for your business after learning about your unique needs and competitive advantage. Because we are a one-stop shop, our team can share best practices on everything from ERP to internet of things and ecommerce.

From Burning Money to Expanding Capacity

Out-of-date business processes do more than encourage complacency: they take money away from your business. Outdated business processes that rely on legacy ERPs cause:

  • Wasted facility and warehouse space
  • Haphazard inventory organization, causing goods to be overbought, underbought or become expired
  • Lack of data for quoting orders
  • Lack of data for pricing products
  • Disorganized labor, job, and work scheduling

These are only a handful of the issues caused by poor business processes and each of these leads to significant losses every year. In contrast, those willing to revolutionize their organization can fix these and other long-overlooked issues with their ERP. When trying to solve major business challenges, it can be valuable to have a trusted partner assisting with the process. With 25 years of experience, the team at Datix will help you every step of the way of transforming your organization through software. Even if your business needs change down the line, our team will continue to offer guidance during the longevity of your ERP solution.

Wrap Up

Change is never easy, but it is possible to take your business to the next level by upgrading or replacing your ERP. The right ERP combined with contemporary business processes is the best way to support the longevity of your organization.

Learn more about Why Manufacturers Should Invest in a Modern ERP

About Datix

With over two decades in the industry, Datix is the ERP consultant of choice for manufacturers and distributors. We believe in “being the best with the best” and look for partners who match our commitment to solving real issues and doing what it takes. Our in-depth analysis of our clients and their business needs allows us to maximize their software investments to the fullest.

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