Why Connect Epicor With CRM?

Connect Epicor With CRM

Why Connect Epicor With CRM?

If you want data to help your business deliver more efficient processes and to improve how your business uses software you should strongly consider integrating your ERP with your CRM. Your business could save hundreds of hours a week, make processes more efficient, and create a single source of the truth.

We talk about systems integration on a regular basis; specifically how to connect Epicor with CRM. There is a great deal of efficiency that most businesses could achieve by linking these two systems; however this often seems intimidating or difficult to accomplish. In reality, our integration product, Datix Connect, is a prebuilt application that can do this seamlessly without coding or modifying any databases.

The flow of data works for integrating CRM (Salesforce, MS Dynamics, etc.) with whichever Epicor system you might have. For example, the latest updates in Epicor ERP incorporate mobility and cloud strategies. This will allow users to access ERP information from any device wherever they are. Integrating this functionality with your current CRM could prove immensely powerful. We’ll give you one example

Use Case: Real-time Mobile Access to data

When you connect Epicor with CRM one of the key benefits for many organizations is real-time mobile access to data. Imagine, your walking the floor of a manufacturing client. You pull out your phone and can immediately start checking inventory stock, product counts, orders, and other back office data that would immediately provide you the ability to capitalize on potential opportunities, and identify upcoming risks. How many more sales could you make? What would that client say about you and your business?

Real-time mobile-access is achievable when you connect Epior with CRM. Furthermore, integration allows the elimination of double-entries, and provides an all-in-one platform for you to transfer and manage data for orders, billing, customer support, product catalogs, and more.

How would your business change today if you could integrate ERP and CRM? The answer is almost always, “significantly”? However, for most businesses this is often talked about, but rarely explored. If you’d like to learn more about how easy this process can be, visit our Datix Connect page and rach out to our team members for more details.

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