Salesforce Best Practices: 5 Ways To Improve CRM Use

Salesforce Best Practices When we work with businesses inside of our CRM consulting practice, we get dozens of inquires around how to implement Salesforce best practices, and make the software itself work better.  Organizations know that once the software is installed that it is an empty slate, and that the success of it’s implementation and adoption …

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Modern Best Practices For CRM and ERP Implementation

Modern Best Practices For CRM and ERP Implementation Enterprise software is changing faster than ever before. These powerful business applications provide users the ability to make business processes more efficient; achieving dynamic new business outcomes. In light of this, more and more businesses are in the process of a CRM or ERP implementation. However, there …

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Where An Out of the Box CRM Falls Short

2 Functions Out of the Box CRM Software Can’t Do We’ve spoke at length previously about how to best extract value from enterprise software. The core of this content is always to emphasize the importance of processes and system use over software functionality. Before you opt to expense those long-term subscription costs for out of the …

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The New Essential: Business Intelligence Integration

The New Essential: Business Intelligence Integration According to a recent Nucleus Research study, business intelligence projects are yielding a return on investment of nearly %10,000. Wait, what? How can something so successful fly under the radar of so many? As one of the top business intelligence integration and enterprise software consulting firms to the mid market, …

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Past, Present, Future – Business Intelligence Tools

Past, Present, Future Business Intelligence Tools Both people and businesses are growing ever-more dependent on the ability to connect, share, and access information like never before. Even consumer goods are now providing remote information accessibility—from watches, to shoes, and even your coffee maker. Almost everything around you is leaning in to observe how you operate. If you …

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Import Salesforce Data Into Epicor

Import Salesforce Data Into Epicor Importing Salesforce data in to Epicor can prove to be extremely valuable for a number of reasons. Some of the most common questions our ERP and CRM consultants get relate to how businesses can effectively integrate the data in one system with the other. We deal primarily in Epicor ERP projects, so we’ve had …

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Global Availability of Epicor 10 Connector for MS Dynamics CRM

Epicor 10 Connector Allows Integration for Dynamics CRM Datix Inc. is proud to announce – as a part of Microsoft Convergence 2015 – the global availability Datix Connect for Microsoft Dynamics. Datix Connect for Dynamics CRM is a pre-built, all-in-one Epicor 10 connector that allows seamless integration and flows of data between Epicor 10 and …

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Why Connect Epicor With CRM?

Why Connect Epicor With CRM? If you want data to help your business deliver more efficient processes and to improve how your business uses software you should strongly consider integrating your ERP with your CRM. Your business could save hundreds of hours a week, make processes more efficient, and create a single source of the truth. We …

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B2B CRM and ERP Trends Expected In 2015

B2B CRM and ERP Trends Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning  (ERP) software is evolving faster than ever. Systems providers are creating new ways to meet the demands of new, prospective industries by leveraging additional services and capabilities further enhance popular out-of-the-box software. All of this is in the name of collecting and purposefully …

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Do We Need CRM Program?

Asking the question, “Do we need CRM program”? Our founder, Bryan Sapot, tackles the most important questions that companies should evaluate when considering the jump. Implementing a CRM program is not a flippant task. Organizations carefully plan these implementations, and must have follow-throught and proper vision from the beginning to achieve the highly touted benefits of …

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Upgrade ERP or CRM Without Leaping Off A Bridge

Upgrade ERP or CRM Without Leaping Off A Bridge When your company embarks on the quest to upgrade ERP or CRM, something will likely inevitably throw the project off its intended goals; and could leave the internal stakeholders considering throwing themselves off something suspended high above water. OK, maybe it’s not quite that bad; however, A McKinsey …

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Change Management Matters During an Implementation

Implementing a CRM or ERP or other enterprise system at a company – of any size – is an immense challenge and investment of manpower and money.

But without an investment in organizational commitment and the right mindset, the project could be doomed from the beginning, resulting in over-runs and low adoption of the new technology. And while project over-runs are the immediate pain, lack of adoption prevents you from capturing all the value of the new enterprise system for years to come.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. This week, Kyle looks at the Kotter 8-Step Process for Leading Change as a framework for realizing the value of your enterprise software investment.

Why Your Salespeople Hate CRM

Why Your Salespeople Hate CRM Sales managers and company executives, you have a problem on your hands. You have invested in a CRM system, but despite all of the begging, pleading, threats, and motivational activities, it hasn’t been the silver bullet you thought it would be. You read the Aberdeen Research reports* saying that companies …

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