Transform Your Supply Chain with Epicor ERP

Epicor Supply Chain Management

Epicor Supply Chain Management

When it comes to formulating your business’ supply chain management strategy, Epicor ERP should be at the forefront of your mind. The software enables you to efficiently manage and track all of your operations, right from the manufacturing line to shipping your product out of your warehouse. What’s more, you can aggregate the data stored within Epicor to get a complex, sophisticated understanding of the flow of production and sales within your business. With this knowledge, it will be easier than ever to make manufacturing processes more efficient and ensure every link of your enterprise is tighter and adding value. 

The crux of supply chain management is fostering information flow between the stages of your business processes. Therefore, software that allows you to connect and keep track of your business processes will give you a huge advantage. Here are just a few of the most significant reasons why Epicor ERP should be a foundation of your company’s supply chain strategy.

Supply Chain Outsourcing

The reality of many small to midsize businesses is that they often don’t have the capacity to control every stage of the supply chain on site. That means a significant portion of the supply chain must be outsourced to other companies, such as global shipping or distribution firms. When the supply chain is not under your company’s exclusive jurisdiction, ERP software can help retain a firm grasp on what is happening with your product at every step of the production process. Instead of trying to maintain folders upon folders of paper BOMs and shipping labels, this kind of data can be stored into your Epicor ERP for as long you need it. Epicor lets you ditch the filing cabinet and maintain a single hub of enterprise data.

You can use Epicor ERP for supply chain management at every stage—tracking suppliers that deliver the goods you need to make your product or filing away new orders so that you can plan for demand quickly and accurately. Supplier relationships will be easier than ever. Epicor will handle pricing, delivery and payment for your raw materials and keep a record of every transaction, so that you can monitor the relationship and make sure your suppliers are maintaining your quality standards.  If you have multiple warehouses, you will also need a system in place keeping an eye on where product is stored, how much of it is in inventory and how long the product has been there. After an Epicor implementation, your business can bring together all the disparate and wide-ranging processes of your organization and store them in one convenient system.

Comprehensive Insight

There’s no such thing as too much data—especially when it comes to running your business and selling your product. By allowing you to manage and view back-end business data in one place, Epicor ERP will give you access to more information on your operations and your product than you ever thought possible. Quality assurance schemes and regulations can be built into your software (like mandatory scanning and quality data at each work station), so that you can rest assured that your high standards of excellence are maintained.

Additionally, in the unlikely event of an audit or a recall incident, you will have all the relevant data you need at your fingertips, allowing you to trace the root of the problem and deal with it quickly. With Epicor ERP, you will have eyes on every corner of your shop floor. You’ll be the first to know if anything isn’t running as it should.

Total Visibility 

Creating transparency in the supply chain is one of the often-overlooked assets that can come along with Epicor ERP systems. Any employee with authorized access can leverage back-end data to maintain your business’ operations and perform critical job functions. Whether it’s live updates on current demand and inventory or a notice about a slowdown on a certain line, both your sales team and shop floor will always be prepared for orders and to meet demand when they know what is happening at every stage of your supply chain.

This visibility is facilitated through cutting-edge dashboards. The active home page can be personalized to display relevant information for each user. Embedded BI technology analyzes data and creates user-friendly reports and charts. MES dashboards provide real-time notifications of what’s happening on the production line, and new IoT functionality automatically gives you critical metrics of all the machines and assets on your shop floor. This level of transparency equips everyone with valuable insights to optimize manufacturing performance. 

Lean Processes

Epicor ERP gives you the power to eliminate waste from your supply chain and operate as a lean producer. Your inventory will be stocked only with what is most essential—components that need to be used, work-in-process products that have been ordered and finished products due to be shipped. Inventory decay is one of the largest sources of waste a business can have; using Epicor ERP for supply chain management will cut this cost dramatically. With in-depth knowledge of your business processes, you will truly have the power to drive your revenue while also cutting back on waste and unnecessary costs. 

Wrap Up 

Your supply chain management system shouldn’t be operating as an island—it involves every process of your business. When you use Epicor ERP for supply chain management, you can leverage valuable data and information to become an interconnected enterprise, increasing value through total transparency as well as integrated systems and processes.

If this sounds like something you want for your business, get in touch with an expert at Datix today. We are an Epicor Gold Partner with over 20 years of experience in implementing and integrating ERP systems to help clients reach their full earning potential. From start to finish, our consultants execute premier business solutions that work. Under our guidance, you can unleash the power of Epicor to transform your supply chain!


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