Categories: ERP

Most ERP Implementations Fail

When implementing a new ERP, tensions can run high. The implementation is a significant investment in both time and money. Having the project drag out longer than the deadline, go overbudget or fail to solve your software challenges is a huge loss.

If your ERP implementation failed, you’re not alone. Research from Gartner suggests that 55-75% of ERP projects either fail or don’t meet their intended objectives. However, you shouldn’t give up on your ERP entirely. There are ways to salvage a poorly executed implementation and achieve your original objectives. Instead of giving up and letting your competition outperform you, take the steps to gain the best ERP solution for your company.

Why ERP Implementations Fail

Going It Alone

An ERP implementation is a notable financial investment, and to cut costs, many companies decide to handle everything internally (or with minimal outside support). But when you think about it, this logic doesn’t make much sense. The larger the investment, the more you should safeguard it and ensure success with the help of a reliable partner.

Companies that choose to go it alone face these five commonly identified obstacles.

1) Rolling the Dice on Decision-Making

There are a lot of decisions that need to be made when implementing an ERP. What vendor are you going to use? Which ERP will you select? What add-ons, integrations, personalizations, or customizations do you want to add to the system? If you go astray with even one of these important decisions, then your ERP project is likely to be unsuccessful. If you become paralyzed by doubt and put off deciding on these factors, then your project also fails.

It’s important to have an internal ERP team guiding the decision-making process for an implementation, but this team simply doesn’t have the expertise of a ERP consultant. No matter how much research you do and how skilled your IT staff are, ERP experts who work with best-of-breed platforms daily will always know more about best practices and the latest advancements in the industry. At Datix, we have implemented thousands of solutions using different best-of-breed software, so we’re able to guide our clients to the right ERP setup for their business. Don’t make critical implementation decisions blindly without the insight of professionals. Talk to our experts today.

2) Strain on IT and other Staff

You and your team have a business to run. The less outside support you have, the more your staff will need to focus on the implementation. That means they’ll have less time to do the priority work you hired them to do that makes your business successful. An ERP partner can offer a roadmap for how to complete your implementation on time and take most of the burden off your staff.

3) Inefficient Implementation and Roll Out

Implementations are a struggle to complete when you do them alone and its likely snags will make the rollout disjointed. The right ERP partner will give you an implementation plan, guidance to make critical decisions quickly, and support the rollout process. They also know what pitfalls to avoid so your project goes to plan.

4) Difficulty Training Staff

When it comes to training, you want an expert in charge. That’s because an ERP expert can advise your team on best practices to maximize the efficiency of your business processes. With an ERP training plan created by a trusted partner, you know your team will learn your new system quickly and comprehensively.

5) Missing Out on Optimizations

The whole point of an ERP implementation is to take your company to the next level. Your team may not know the best way to maximize the power of your new software, but an ERP consultant has the skills to both streamline and maximize your processes. Get the most out of your software.  

An ERP Partner Who Doesn’t Deliver

Your ERP consultant is supposed to help the ERP implementation journey every step of the way, but a subpar partner can actually make the process harder. Bad advice, slow or inconsistent support, and purposefully deceptive budget estimates are just a few ways the wrong partner can throw your implementation off. After all, some consultants will convince customers to choose them by making big promises and lowballing budgets, only to avoid their calls when there’s actual work to be done.

At Datix, we hate hearing stories of ERP consultants who don’t deliver. That’s why we support our clients throughout every part of their ERP implementation, from the planning to the roll out, team training, and beyond. When you work with Datix, you work with a team that cares while maximizing ROI.

How to Fix a Failing ERP Implementation

There is still hope if your ERP implementation is going nowhere fast. No matter what stage you are at in the process, we can help. With 25 years’ experience, our ERP consultants know how to take a business-first approach with each of our clients. This means we take the time to understand your company, learn how you work, and meet you where you are now. If you are partway through an implementation, we will take you over the finish line and back on budget with a solution that meets your business requirements. Hear how our experts can solve your ERP challenges.

Wrap Up

If you experienced an ERP failure, you don’t need to settle. As hard as it is to try again, your company needs to keep moving forward. With Datix supporting your implementation, we can take a stalled or ineffective project to one that fully achieves your target outcomes, on time and in budget. Ensure your success by working with a partner that will get the job done.

Talk to our ERP Experts about your Implementation

About Datix

With over two decades in the industry, Datix is the ERP consultant of choice for manufacturers and distributors. We believe in “being the best with the best” and look for partners who match our commitment to solving real issues and doing what it takes. Our in-depth analysis of our clients and their business needs allows us to maximize their software investments to the fullest.

Learn How We Support Our Clients

Becky Lipnick

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