Don’t Let your CRM Go to Waste

You’ve invested a significant amount of resources into having a CRM for Sales to use with the goal of standardizing sales processes and increasing top-line revenue. It can be incredibly frustrating to see those invested dollars go to waste when Sales reps refuse to use the CRM. Your salespeople may view CRM updates as a chore that slows them down from actually closing deals, but CRM will be your salespeople’s best friend when implemented correctly.

When a CRM remains isolated from your ERP, it is only operating at half its potential. It’s only by connecting CRM with an ERP integration that Sales can use CRM to its full capability with a 360-degree view of customers and accurate product and pricing information at their fingertips.

Outdated and Missing Information

The point of a CRM is to manage your accounts easily, but when a CRM is isolated, account updates by other departments never make their way back into the CRM. The point-of-contact at the company, addresses, and even the geographic territory of the organization can change wildly, but Sales won’t hear about it until they call the customer and say the wrong thing.

Having Sales reps continuously out of the loop will make customers feel like you don’t understand their business. Instead of having positive interactions, conversations become awkward and confusing. Likewise, your team won’t have the tools to answer questions. When the customer asks for a quote, your reps won’t have the most up-to-date order history and current pricing. When they ask for the status of their order, Sales won’t know. The same is true when it comes to predicting delivery dates. This lack of knowledge adds unnecessary friction to the buying process.

With a CRM ERP integration, your Sales team will have the tools they need to answer questions, demonstrate expertise, and give them the best possible advice. Unity: Integration by Datix integrates ERP with CRM so that users are using their familiar platform while experiencing the benefits of operating out of one system. With Unity, Sales can go into their CRM and see accurate account information, including order statuses and the previous pricing metrics used. They’ll also have a calculator to determine new quotes based on the latest cost numbers at their fingertips.

Best of all, Sales will be able to see the full picture of their customers, so they can offer upselling or cross-selling recommendations based on the prospect’s needs. Instead of feeling like a generic sales pitch, this advice will feel genuine and demonstrate how well your reps know their customers. See a 360-degree view of your customers with Unity.

Inaccurate Pricing

You may be wondering how an ERP CRM integration allows you to price quickly and easily, especially when quotes are so difficult with disconnected software. If you don’t have an integration, getting a quote for a customer takes forever: Sales needs to collect details about the order, go to engineering, and wait until engineering maps out the pricing based on the latest cost data while factoring in any special considerations. Only then can Sales give the customer an answer, and at that point, the customer has probably already gotten and accepted a quote from someone else.

With a Unity integration, the pricing and quoting process is radically different. Instead of waiting hours, days, or even a week to quote, your team will be able to offer accurate quotes within moments. Organizations with salespeople that consistently say, “I’ll get back to you” to prospects consistently lose deals to competitors that are able to give competitive quotes on the spot. Turn quoting into your greatest strength by integrating your ERP and CRM.

Wrap Up

A CRM on its own won’t be able to stop the cycle of losing customers. Sales will see that it’s not helping, drop it, and your CRM will begin to gather dust. Instead, a Unity integration allows you to transform the customer experience by giving your Sales reps the account and pricing information they need. Unity is scalable and fully managed, so you get all the benefits of operating out of one system without any added headaches. Close more deals today with Unity.

Find how Unity Strengthens Customer Relationships

About Datix

With over two decades in the industry, Datix is the integration consultant of choice for manufacturers and distributors. We believe in “being the best with the best” and look for partners who match our commitment to solving real issues and doing what it takes. Our in-depth analysis of our clients and their business needs allows us to maximize their software investments to the fullest.

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Becky Lipnick

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